• Allow GSA a Place in the Clovis North High School Yearbook
    Without the proper publicity, teens who are struggling with their sexual and romantic orientations won't be able to find our club as easily. We're working very hard to educate students on the LGBT community so they can feel safe and protected, but my kids feel like they're being targeted by school officials. GSA should be extended the same rights as every other club, not singled out because of what we stand for.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cassi D. Picture
  • Let Junior Highs Have GSAs!
    Junior High is the time that people start to question their sexuality and gender. This time is more important than ever to be able to have help and support.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Finn D.
  • Allow For A LGBTQ Club at Francis Lewis High School
    This is important to many student because by allowing this club to be available to student, allows them to have a safe haven where they are able to to join together with other student who are going thru similar struggles with either acceptance, coming out or other issues.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Z.