Start a GSA

Is your administration trying to stop you from forming a GSA? Or saying they'll allow a GSA, but requiring members to get permission slips to join, telling you the GSA can't meet on campus, or making up other rules that make it almost impossible for you to meet and that no other club has to follow?

Search for your school or GSA campaign below or start a campaign to get a GSA at your school!

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Campaigns (15)

  • Omaha
    We need a GSA at Russell Middle School!
    My principle and school staff have denied us a GSA on multiple occasions, and have not done anything to stop the bulling and harassment that has happened in the past years. the curriculum is not inclusive and they have practically ignored hate crimes. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by theo G.
  • Shelley
    We need a GSA at Shelley High School
    First hand I have seen bullying, exclusiveness, and hate towards those belonging to the LGBTQ+ Community at our school. A Gay Straight Alliance would help change this. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Preslee J.
  • Grapevine
    We need a GSA at CTMS!
    A GSA (also called a Gay-Straight Alliance, a Queer-Straight Alliance, or a Genders and Sexualities Alliance) would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SOPHIA C.
  • Burnet
    We need a GSA at Burnet High School
    My daughter and many other students have been excluded and made to feel shame for her sexual orientation at Burnet CISD. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy W.
  • Medford
    We need a GSA at St. Mary's!
    LGBTQ+ youth at our school are afraid of being themselves because of intolerable bullying and homophobia that exists at St. Mary's. We must stand up to the pushback of the Archdiocese and become a place of love, comfort, and acceptance for all students regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or anything at all. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! As a private institution, we should go above and beyond in providing all people with their rights and freedoms, not be below public education's Constitutional standards. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    803 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ainsley G.
  • We need a GSA at Shamokin Area High School!
    At Shamokin, members of the LGBT+ community are constantly put down and slammed. There isn't really a safe space, even in places I thought there were. I'm lucky to have a good group of friends, but it doesn't stop people from making hateful comments. And I know it happens to the people who have even less support than I do. Our school NEEDS this. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jadyn S.
  • Coldwater
    We need a GSA at Coldwater High School!
    Coldwater is a time capsule into the mid 70s, and I want to help change that and bring students to the 21st century and make our school a safer place. I was in a GSA in my old school and with it there was a place for me to be free of all my worries and a place for me to help others now I don't have that freedom and place that I can help others. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason S.
  • We need a GSA at Sowers!
    A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tegenn J.
  • Huntsville
    We need a GSA at huntsville city and surrounding areas high schools
    Bullying and harassment is abundant. Kids have no outlet or support groups to help them feel accepted and supported. Recently a teen Nigel Shelby committed suicide due to bullying and other LGBTQ teens are speaking out about the lack of support when reaching out about bullying A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alisha W.
  • Dalton
    We need a GSA at North Whitfield Middle School!
    My middle school experience was filled with some hate and bullying at the start until I found a couple of people like me. We started talking about starting a petition and even went to our school counselor about it. We didn't think about it that much afterwards so it was forgotten about. A couple of months later the idea came back to me and I decided to go all the way with it. A Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (, any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bradley M.