• We need a GSA at St. Mary's!
    LGBTQ+ youth at our school are afraid of being themselves because of intolerable bullying and homophobia that exists at St. Mary's. We must stand up to the pushback of the Archdiocese and become a place of love, comfort, and acceptance for all students regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or anything at all. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (http://www.gsanetwork.org/federal-equal-access-act), any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! As a private institution, we should go above and beyond in providing all people with their rights and freedoms, not be below public education's Constitutional standards. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    803 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ainsley G.
    It is important because LGBT and especially Black LGBT people are not treated equally in our world. We want to continue to make positive changes in our school. People require counseling and more conversations around diversity, discrimination and LGBT rights should happen within our school.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Unity G. Picture
  • We need a GSA at Shamokin Area High School!
    At Shamokin, members of the LGBT+ community are constantly put down and slammed. There isn't really a safe space, even in places I thought there were. I'm lucky to have a good group of friends, but it doesn't stop people from making hateful comments. And I know it happens to the people who have even less support than I do. Our school NEEDS this. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (http://www.gsanetwork.org/federal-equal-access-act), any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jadyn S.
  • We need a GSA at Coldwater High School!
    Coldwater is a time capsule into the mid 70s, and I want to help change that and bring students to the 21st century and make our school a safer place. I was in a GSA in my old school and with it there was a place for me to be free of all my worries and a place for me to help others now I don't have that freedom and place that I can help others. A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (http://www.gsanetwork.org/federal-equal-access-act), any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason S.
  • We need a GSA at Sowers!
    A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (http://www.gsanetwork.org/federal-equal-access-act), any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tegenn J.
  • Show up for TLGBQ+ young people, now!
    We address these demands to every person within the K-12 education system, from Betsy DeVos to the local school teachers, because we ALL hold a responsibility to shift the narrative and transform our schools. Any student who is pushed out of schools into jails or death is one student too many. As young organizers, we understand our needs and voices to often be the afterthought of adults and educators. Commonly, our narratives are ignored until it is too late. Ageism encourages middle-aged people (usually our guardians and educators) to assume that young people do not have the potential to move agendas and make change. We are here, today, making it clear: our truths will lead the way. Show up for TLGBQ+ youth. Now.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Juniperangelica Gia L. Picture
  • We need a GSA at huntsville city and surrounding areas high schools
    Bullying and harassment is abundant. Kids have no outlet or support groups to help them feel accepted and supported. Recently a teen Nigel Shelby committed suicide due to bullying and other LGBTQ teens are speaking out about the lack of support when reaching out about bullying A Genders & Sexualities Alliance club, or GSA, would provide a much-needed safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and work to create positive change on campus. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (http://www.gsanetwork.org/federal-equal-access-act), any school that receives government funding and has at least one other non-curricular club is legally required to also allow a GSA. Legally, public schools with other clubs must let students start a GSA -- and must treat the GSA like any other student club! Schools can't make up rules that only apply to the GSA and nobody else. GSAs have been proven to make schools safer for all students. Allow us to start a GSA so that ALL students can succeed.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alisha W.
  • What We Deserve: How schools can support trans and queer youth of color
    WE DESERVE 1) Public school systems that have funding regardless of local property tax or proximity to wealthy, white communities. 2) Police-free schools without armed guards or armed teachers. 3) Schools with GSAs (or other student-led convening spaces). 4) Administrators and Teachers who are POC, trans and queer. 5) Administrators, Teachers and Staff with annual Racial and Gender competency training. 6) Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and LGBTQIA relevant curriculums with Fine Arts and Advanced Placement courses that reflect our diverse and ancient cultures. 7) Multiple full-time nurses and full-time social workers at our schools. 8) Schools with Trans and Queer Youth of Color Student Government Committees
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by National Youth Council o. Picture
  • The Fight Against Transphobia in LBUSD
    This is important because not only is this affecting me but I also want future students who come to any of the LBUSD schools to know that they are protected under state, federal, local, and district laws. People deserve to know that we in the transgender community are here no matter what anyone says. #WEWILLNOTBEERASED Being able to collect even the smallest amounts of signatures will help us get far and start a movement. I strongly believe the treatment the transgender community has received is a disgrace. Having been through personal struggles, I am taking a stand and want my voice heard.
    579 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Amber V
  • Sign onto the National Trans Youth Council's Nine Point Platform
    We cannot break the chains that bind us if we do not strive for a world without the very systems that put them on our wrists. We cannot work alone towards this goal either, because no one struggles alone; the white, heterosexual and cisgender patriarchy harms all us. When LGBTQ+ youth come together, when the most marginalized of us are uplifted, and when those more privileged acknowledge and use it for the fight, our community has a voice that will not be silenced and the power to create a just world for all.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Juniperangelica Gia L.
  • Show Up for Trans People and Against the Memo
    As young transgender and non-binary people, we #WontBeErased. The work of generations before us, from Stonewall and before, have set the foundation for organizers to continue to fight (and to win) the equity and justice our community needs to survive. We will continue to build the resources our people need and we will never silence #OurTransTRUTH. Our stories will guide the work. We call on our community and those allied with our movement to show up. Research and understand what this memo could mean and then fight against it with everything you can. Gather and spread resources to support trans folks, from housing opportunities, job/gig openings, to mental and physical health support. Donate and support our GoFundMe’s. Hold our communities accountable to respecting and valuing the lives of the trans people who exist with us. Sign on to our petition in solidarity with transgender, nonbinary, and/or GNC youth to commit to show up for us by supporting the trans community and taking action against transphobia. Share this petition to educate others on the affects of this memo on trans youth and uplift our response. While the government has been clear about their lack of commitment to the lives of queer and trans people, especially poor Black/brown queer/trans young people, we know we are on the right side of history and we will never stop fighting. Existing as queer and trans youth is getting more difficult every day. If you feel that you are unsafe or in need of support, please take a look at the attached resources and reach out as you feel able. You are not alone. If you are in need or support/resources or in crisis, here are some orgs ready to help: TRUTH Council Trans Lifeline Trevor Project (call, text, chat) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ____________________________________________________ Signed, National Trans Youth (TRUTH) Council
    1,725 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Juniperangelica Gia L.
  • Demanding affirmative action in regards to Queer & Trans* students at PVUSD
    Transgender students face constant harassment from their peers and teachers and we have had enough. Many students are dead-named even though they have notified the teachers. These teachers allow harassment to continue in our classrooms leading to our students in our S.A.G.A club to feel hopeless about a future.
    187 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dre F. Picture